Sentera Radar Technology

Showing exactly how a new app or platform works can be challenging. For Sentera’s crop analayzing app, we started by designing environmental photos that illustrate a cornfield being monitored with their new radar technology.

This software, along with other platforms the company offers, syncs with their app and provides farmers with valuable data to gain further insight on their crops. Information from this is used for large-scale farms and provides information such as stand count data and potential trouble spots in their field.


AGENCY/CLIENT: Haberman/Sentera


ASSETS: Animation, still images and advertisement

Sentera cornfield with equipment harvesting crops

The main focus of Sentera’s app is to provide real-time or near real-time analaytics for farmers to view and collect using their software.

Looking back, Phong Tran, lead animator on the project, found it challenging to display every detail of the corn accurately. Since this app is designed to capture crops in real-time, the animations needed to be a perfect representation of a real field.

“The first step was finding references of corn plants at the key stages of growth and gathering as many high resolution close ups of corn plants as we could. We added as many details as possible to the model, even the fibers on each ear. Things like stalk height and number of ears of corn, along with their placement and orientation on each stalk, was important to show since that indicated where in the growth cycle they were at.” – Phong Tran

We’ve worked with a variety of different agriculture products in the past, such as the Martin Williams Syngenta project.This piece highlighted Syngenta’s new fungicide product and ended up being the perfect project for our animators to design crops in different stages of growth, since they had to illustrate plants that were both healthy and affected by disease. Take a look at some of our other agriculture work here.

Sentera fall cornfield harvest with tractor
Sentera Magazine Crop Analyzing App Ad

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