Invisalign SmartTrack Technology
While braces may have been invented over hundreds of years ago, the design and technology behind them continue to improve every day. Invisalign’s new SmartTrack material is a clear adhesive that gently manipulates teeth of any age to provide a beautifully aligned smile.
The gentle aligner material is a seamless, clear design that patients can easily remove to eat and brush their teeth. It can be used to correct cases such as crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, gap teeth, open bites and more. While this is a benefit in itself, a major factor behind the new system is it’s up to 50% faster compared to two-week aligner wear.
To start working on this global campaign, animators Rachel Buchen and Zak Katara built a video displaying the SmartTech technology hard at work. With real images of a patient’s teeth, the two used CG to show the time-lapse of how it affects them over time.
By using Cinema 4D and AfterEffects, Buchen and Katara had to illustrate teeth and gums at every stage of the process.
CLIENT: Invisalign/Colle McVoy
LEAD ANIMATORS: Rachel Buchen and Zak KataraInvisalign/Colle McVoy
ASSETS: Advertisement (TV commercial) and graphics

Because teeth and gums are an organic thing that we had to rig and manipulate, it needed a lot of control and attention to detail. We had to very meticulously craft this animation of teeth at every stage of the process. – Buchen
Not only was the project itself a challenge, Katara said, there was also a lot of pressure to make changes quickly and accurately.
We’re used to constantly editing projects to meet the client’s needs, but we had to move quickly with this one. Within two days of feedback, we would always be working to try new versions they suggested to provide a variety of animations to choose from. – Katara
Within just a few weeks, the two animators wrapped up the project and provided multiple assets to be used for Invisalign’s Global Consumer Campaign. The video will be used as an advertisement, while still images and graphics can be used for a variety of different mediums such as websites, brochures and more.

This project was highlighted as an Honorable Mention in the LICC awards, as well as a bronze award at AdFed’s The Show in Minneapolis in 2020.