HistoSonics - Edison®

Earlier this summer, FUSE was approached by HistoSonics with the task of creating two videos that showcased their cutting-edge medical technology.

Their Edison® device has the ability to destroy tumors without any incisions or needles through a process called histotripsy, all while the treating physician monitors the treatment in real-time.

Whether you’re looking to make your product look as incredible as possible, or to present and visualize a complex technology, FUSE Animation is your answer.


AGENCY: HistoSonics

CLIENT: HistoSonics

LEAD ANIMATORS: Mike Schell, Levi Krippner

ASSETS: 3D Animation

The goal of the first video was to create a video that elegantly displays the Edison® and presents the range of articulation that the device’s intricate design and construction is capable of.

The second video’s intent was to create a visualization of the non-invasive histotripsy treatment used by the Edison® as it destroys a targeted tumor within a patient while being monitored in real-time. This also meant featuring the incredible range of motion that the device presents in more detail.

We were delighted to find that one of these videos was recently featured in Manhattan’s Times Square!


Looking to transform your products with 3D?